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电 话:0753-2530288

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标 签:万秋楼

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地 址:梅州市梅县新城办事处富贵居委扶外村98号

  從樓宇的平面圖上看,從主建築的高大門樓,進入下廳,中堂,上廳,直貫圍龍屋上, 象一個多了兩個短豎的“中”字,以“中”字的長豎爲中軸線,隔著天蟛的左右兩旁是兩廊 ,兩廊的上下端有小門通左右橫屋,橫屋後邊又建有兩杠,在中軸線的頂端,劃一弧線,連接主樓旁的兩杠,再加上廣闊的禾坪,外門樓等等,總占地面積約 4000 平方米。
  該樓是由厚實的牆體和百余根直徑 1.2 尺,長有丈余的花崗石圓柱作骨架,石柱的底座和頂端配有花卉或各種浮雕圖案,襯托著用石米批蕩的牆體,使整座建築渾然一體,莊嚴典雅 。
  樓內的大門,小門,光窗及主樓的騎樓,走廊都設鐵拉閘防護,天井上空更有“防盜網 ”的設施。
  Wanqiulou was found by Malaysian-Chinese Wanqiu Xia in the thirties this centery ,the whole building is intergrated with the perfect combination of Chinese traditional style and the western style,it not only has? western style sharp housetop but also has? Chinese traditional Hakka Weilongwu .which means inclosed house.
  Seen from the building ichnography,the whole building is just like Chinese charateristics “中”,but two more additional short straight line,because fisrt you can see the huge front door of the main building, then you can go to the down hall, middle hall and top hall. Take the mid line of “中”as? mid-line,on the left and right side of the dooryard are two porches,at each end of the porch, there is a door leading to the sidelong house,at the back of the sidelong house there are two bars which is in the middle of the mid-line,these two bars connect the two bars in main building, It covers 4000 quare meters.
  This building is made up by strong wall and its framework is made by? hundreds of grantice round pillar whose diameter is 40 cm and the length is about 330 cm,some flowers and embossment design are curved on top and the bottom of these pillars, they serve as a foil to the wall with the mixture of rice, which makes the whole buuilding one integrated mass, and look royal and elegent.
  The inner building equipment is well cultured,like the burnished floor oard,,color pitures,the painting on roof, embossment and etc, these make people can’t help admiring it.
  Threre are iron meshwork in the huge doors , small doors, the windows the setting building and the corridors of the main building, even in the dooryard there is defense meshwork.
  In the hall and the rooms, there are a all rosewood furniture, luxurious lights,pure white magnetism basin and the distorting mirror grotesque in shape, Wanqiulou made its name in its period.
  There is a couplet on the gate of the building which was made when it was set up, the couplet means: the stone wall is just like the rafter,which shows out mountain in our country is so gallant, the Meijiang River is just like a cinguluml lasting long.